Download Playing by the Greek's Rules Ebook {EPUB} {PDF} FB2

2015-04-13 183

Download Playing by the Greek's Rules by Sarah Morgan - mirror 1 ---> mirror 2 ---> mirror 3 --> ---------------
Synopsis: Lily pulled her hat down to shade her eyes from the burn of the hot Greek sun and took a large gulp from her water bottle. 'Never again.' She sat down on the parched, sunbaked earth and watched as her friend carefully brushed away dirt and soil from a small, carefully marked section of the trench. 'If I ever, ever mention the word love to you, I want you to bury me somewhere in this archaeological site and never dig me up again.'
'There is an underground burial chamber. I could dump you in there if you like.'
'Great idea. Stick a sign in the ground. Here lies Lily, who wasted years of he